Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Vattenfall will participate in Estonian study on SMRs

In January, Estonia's Fermi Energia signed a Memoranda of Understanding with the Finnish company…

The first of 33 scheduled radioactive waste transports left Italy for Bohunice

In 2017, Societa Gestione Impianti Nucleari SpA (Sogin), the state-owned company responsible for…

EU Parliament declares climate emergency

On Thursday 28 November, European lawmakers declared an EU-wide climate emergency. It is a symbolic…

German parliament approves climate protection law

The German Bundestag (the lower house of parliament) has approved a major climate protection…

IAEA assesses climate change effects on the energy sector

A new publication called Adapting the Energy Sector to Climate Change published by the International…

Low-income earners may never buy an electric car

Low-income earners can currently buy a traditional used car with a combustion engine for just a few…

Climate change solutions presented at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art

The Tel Aviv Museum of Art in Israel houses the latest exhibition "Solar Guerrilla: Constructive…

2050 carbon neutral EU plan rejected by some member states

On 20 June, the leaders of France, Germany, the Netherlands and other states proposed 2050 as the…

Finland aims for carbon neutrality by 2035

On 4 June, the new Finnish coalition government published its policy measures in a document entitled…

Listing 64 to 72 out of 101