Finding and developing future managers in an organisation is not always easy, but it is a task…
One of the main goals of HR managers should be to ensure the company's employees are as satisfied as…
Fortunately, companies have been aware for some time that money is not the only reason why workers…
Just like in any other field, there are certain myths and ideas in HR that are outdated and have…
What actually motivates people to work? Surveys show it is not only about money: there are multiple…
Given the current situation in the job market and lack of qualified people across all business…
Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a distinguished guest at the May…
Turin, head quarter earth moving machines of Fiat. “Lorenzo, please go to the US and see what can be…
It’s October 2007. Paul, Sales Manager of a Bobcat importer in Norway, calls the training and…