Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Fear of public speaking? It's all in your mind

Emotional hijack is the worst enemy of every speaker. It happens when you perceive something as…

How emotions can save you millions

If you are able to read collective emotions, you can react accordingly when things are not going…

Answering questions at your presentation

When there are questions, it is not the time to feel the terror of being trapped. We got some tips…

Break out of Powerpoint hell

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, data-packed presentations are not only boring, but also…

7 tips on how to be more persuasive

The ability to persuade others is important not only for marketers and salespeople, it can be useful…

Guy Kawasaki: How to prepare for a panel discussion

If you have been working in your field for a long time, you represent a successful organization or…

How to sound confident even if you are not

Talking with or to other people is difficult for many of us. We do not believe in ourselves enough,…

Presentations: What you should know about the audience

You are going to give a presentation. So you start thinking about what you want to say, what data…

Use nonverbal communication to improve your networking skills

The idea of building business contacts at conferences or other events gives many people goose bumps.…

Listing 217 to 225 out of 369