Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Five tips on overcoming fear of presenting in public

It is quite natural to feel some fear before making a public speech. At the same time, mild…

Five tips on producing a remote presentation

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of modern communication technologies, meaning…

Four tips on preparing a great presentation that will not disappoint your audience

Making a superb presentation that the audience will talk about for a long time (in a good way of…

Three tips on engaging an audience during a presentation

The success of any presentation relies not only on its contents, but also especially on the overall…

Four tips on preparing the best presentation of your life

Are you putting together a presentation to your team, your colleagues or as part of some social…

Some myths about public speaking

For a presentation to be successful (either at a conference or in front of company management), it…

Must a good presentation always be short?

We hear it everywhere: no matter what, keep presentations short and brief; do not overwhelm the…

Five tips on how to become an engaging speaker

When giving a presentation or public speech, it is not always easy to engage the audience. Here are…

Four very common mistakes people make in presentations

Public speeches and presentations scare many people. Often the reason is that they do not know how…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 369