Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Guy Kawasaki: If you want to speak, you must have something to say

A recent Guy Kawasaki's article entitled "How to Get a Standing Ovation" published on the LinkedIn…

7 tips on how to stop being afraid to speak in front of others

People are afraid to speak in front of others for various reasons. It may be ordinary shyness, fear…

Get ready for questions and answers

The final part of a presentation, dedicated to questions and answers, can throw even experienced…

Don't be too modest

As the saying goes, self-praise stinks. Being unable to highlight our own achievements and thus…

A convincing presentation needs a story

You are preparing a presentation, the aim of which is to pass on important information, but…

Speaking with the media: Be clear and specific

Has a journalist called you to ask for a face-to-face or a written interview or do you, on the…

Do not worry to moderate a panel discussion

Conferences, various networking events, as well as consultations: These are all occasions featuring…

5 steps to greater self-confidence in public speaking

Most people experience fear of public speaking. There are even studies in which this fear beat the…

Virtual presentation should be fast and interactive

A presentation does no more look like just a speech in front of an audience in a meeting room or at…

Listing 325 to 333 out of 369