Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

What to do if a new salesperson does not fit into the team

Togetherness of a team and the team spirit of all its members are necessary for the given business…

8 signs that a sales representative should be fired

The sales profession is unfortunately prone to burnout syndrome. Business representatives can lose…

Four frequent problems when managing a business team

We're all human and we all make mistakes. Even a person that is gifted in management can make…

Five fun competitions for sales teams

The sales profession can be very difficult at times, and any kind of motivation is helpful. One…

3 habits of successful new business team leaders

Becoming a business team manager is always a challenge. It does not matter how long you were in your…

Why successful salespeople join companies, then either stay or leave

For many companies, having successful, skilful business people in the sales team is a matter of…

5 pieces of advice on motivating young members of your sales team

There is frequent discussion about the so-called millennials, i.e. people aged 20-30 who spent their…

When a salesperson is leaving a company: How to reduce the impact on clients

Just like any other employees, business representatives also leave their positions for various…

Putting together a dream sales team

Every manager wants to have a team of people they can trust and that will have good business…

Listing 55 to 63 out of 137