Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The biggest competition in sales? Clients' indecision

In the long run the biggest enemy of sales is customers' indecision and their inclination to…

4 ways of proceeding to a close at the end of a meeting

If a sales meeting is going as it should, you have made a sufficient needs analysis and at the same…

Should a good presentation really be short?

We hear it everywhere: at all costs, keep your sales presentations short and brief; do not overwhelm…

Why you shouldn't avoid unpleasant questions during meetings

We see it all the time. Salespeople are smiling at a prospect from ear to ear, pretending that…

A guaranteed way to engage a prospect: by telling stories

Keeping a prospect engaged during a business meeting is essential for bringing negotiations to a…

You must engage prospects with your first sentence. After that they stop listening

English has an apt term elevator pitch that is used in connection to sales. It means a short,…

Do you know how to react when the prospect says: „It's too expensive“?

Many salespeople are thrown off balance when the prospect says that the offer is too expensive. It…

4 engaging ways to start a presentation

First impressions are the most important. This applies also to presentations because you have just…

Learn to persuade others in 3 steps

Why are some people able to impress those around them while others are not? How come some people…

Listing 226 to 234 out of 381