Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

4 tips for leaders of startups (not only) in 2017

As a leader of a startup, you need to hone your critical listening skills because your clients…

Leading a remote team: January is a time for reflection

Perhaps it is time for you to contemplate on how well you manage your remote team. Do you have a…

Habits are the best servant, but a leader's worst master

When you are trying to be a better leader, you will need to kick some of your current habits and…

Restrain your emotions to increase your EQ

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been one of the most often used terms of the past decade in…

Remote working is not about salary: it stands and falls with relationships

The cost of replacing a knowledge worker is generally something like five times the salary of that…

Customer experience (2/2): Road map to success

In the previous article, we saw how customer experience is a broader issue than customer service.…

Simon Sinek: Bad communicators can't be good leaders

Even the best ideas and strategies can't succeed if nobody understands them. That's why good leaders…

Customer experience (1/2): Don’t confuse it with customer service

Disney, Starbucks and Amazon are businesses which are active in different industries but they have…

Good leaders inspire, not give orders

Good bosses and leaders trust their people and they create environments for their people to not only…

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