Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Feel free to let them steal your ideas

No, actually it is not a typo. Every day, while working hard to keep our ideas under wraps for as…

How do you recognize the signals of new opportunities?

The characteristic successful entrepreneurs have in common is the ability to detect and capitalize…

Organizational change is not easy. But why?

Changing an established routine is never easy, as all leaders know very well. The world is changing…

Learn how to manage underperforming employees

A team is only as strong as its weakest link. Probably no team has only excellent employees: team…

Bad leaders lack people skills and ethics

Different leadership failure occur almost every day. Neither leaders nor their employers should,…

4 major mistakes of new entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is demanding, frustrating and a never-ending challenge. Especially at the…

Do you set a good example for others?

Promises, promises. Have you ever heard your employees say this as an assessment of the managerial…

How to lead Generation Y?

Generation of lazy narcissists, iGeneration, Millennials or simply those born between 1982 and 2000.…

What are the risky management styles?

Who do you think is a great leader? Some celebrity? Your colleague or you yourself? Whoever he is,…

Listing 865 to 873 out of 947