Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Dave Ulrich: 20 steps to effective leadership in organizations (Part 2/2)

In the first part of the article about Dave Ulrich's perspective on effective leadership, we…

Dave Ulrich: 20 steps to effective leadership in organizations (Part 1/2)

American consultant, speaker and professor at the University of Michigan, Dave Ulrich, is one of the…

How to find the next Steve Jobs and what to offer him

How can your company find, develop and retain creative people with the potential to become the next…

How will recruitment change in the next ten years?

How will recruitment look in circa 2020-2025? Lou Adler, an American expert on recruiting top talent…

4 steps to a closer partnership of HR and business

In recent years, there has been much discussion in HR about the concept of business partnership,…

Are you ready for coaching?

Coaching is not only popular, but also a very effective tool for personal development. However, it…

Dave Ulrich on leadership sustainability

Human Resource Champions, The HR Value Proposition, HR from the Outside In and Global HR…

Money, or Life? Review of a book on freedom at work

Peníze, nebo život? - Jak přestat vydělávat na život a začít i v práci žít? ("Money, or Life? - How…

A new book by Dave Ulrich - Global HR Competencies

One of the most influential personalities in the field of human resource management - the author of…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 30