Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

5 corporate rules that kill your business

Are you also of the opinion that the customer is always right? Promoting the top performing…

How (not) to choose the (in)correct business name - Part 2

In Part One, with the help of the Small Business Expert, we discussed the importance of having a…

How (not) to choose the (in)correct business name - Part 1

Choosing a suitable name for your business can sometimes be tricky. Even if you find a great name,…

Are you the type of person who can become an entrepreneur?

Do you want to start your own business? Then you have probably read many business books, watched…

A successful business plan is based on two pillars

Maybe you have just discovered a niche in the market that makes your business successful or maybe…

How not to measure the success of a start-up

When you ask the CEO of a start-up how business is doing, he or she usually answers "very well" and…

Beware of the most common business myths

People often believe only what they want to believe - whether it is really blind faith or an attempt…

A smiling customer = the success of your (not only) start-up

This can even be applied to an established company. Nothing is of greater value than a customers…

A lesson of entrepreneurial thinking for employees

To benefit from entrepreneurial thinking, you do not have to leave your job and become an…

Listing 199 to 207 out of 221