Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Improving customer service: make it straightforward

Providing a customer service which is without friction and hassle is what creates the perfect…

Angel investors: which is the right one?

When young entrepreneurs want to start up a new business, they often go to private investors.  Angel…

How Warren Buffett invests

For many traders, Warren Buffett is an undisputed mentor and opinion leader whose principles have…

Family businesses (2/2): The importance of institutionalisation to family businesses

The previous article described some differences between old and young family firms. Now we will look…

Family businesses (1/2): A Latin America case study

For a family firm to survive, it needs to enact policies and procedures which enable its long-term…

Recognising valuable patents need not be difficult

There is a simple method you can use if you need to estimate how valuable individual patents are in…

Why digital transformation is a really big thing (2/2): Dynamics of networked platforms

For traditional business leaders the networking effect mentioned in the previous article means that…

Why digital transformation is a really big thing (1/2)

The great challenge of today is that the world is changing much faster than companies and…

Company blogging (2/2): How to choose partners

The previous article described how collaboration with other bloggers can help, especially with…

Listing 46 to 54 out of 221