Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Taking over an underperforming team

Most new managers can soon spot where there is room for improvement in their team, even if as a…

How to present your career on LinkedIn

The LinkedIn professional social network users will have heard about the importance of updating ones…

Happy and successful followers

Much has been written about the art of leadership; however, the literature pays considerably less…

Key leadership competencies (2/2): Common weaknesses

The previous article described the first two insights which were revealed through analysis of a…

What can managers expect from coaches?

Athletes and artists have coaches, without whom they would never achieve such great results. They…

Richard Branson: The 10 commandments of successful entrepreneurship

People achieve great things not because they are don't feel fear, but because they are not afraid to…

Dangerous myths about success

If you want to succeed, first and foremost you have to have a vision and a goal. You will also…

6 things that successful people do differently

Success means different things for different people. Some measure it in money, others in how other…

Are you smart and hardworking, but success still isn't in sight?

Do you agree that when smart person works hard enough, eventually, he or she will succeed? However, …

Listing 109 to 117 out of 448