Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

What do European managers drive?

A car is one of the most common executive benefits. It must be representative but also safe and…

The bright and dark side of leadership: Culture matters

Basic leadership skills, such as good judgment, integrity or the art of dealing with people, are…

Customer satisfaction and company value: Managers must choose the right investments (2/2)

In the previous article, we saw how customer satisfaction can be good for shareholders. However, it…

Customer satisfaction and company value: Managers must choose the right investments (1/2)

Customer satisfaction and stock price generally tend to move in the same direction. Both are quite…

3 tips to retain your best employees

When setting and reviewing performance goals for individuals, tell them what these goals mean to the…

Conferences worth attending? Content, speakers, breakout sessions

A survey on the smartblogs.com website tracks feedback from more than 210,000 business leaders. The…

Multitasking makes us more effective? Not really

Multitasking is a word that was at first linked with computers. People are of course capable of…

Study: Global gender gap in 2015

Although the number of working women worldwide has increased by about a quarter billion since 2006,…

Innovation is a matter of collective genius

If we want to build constantly innovating organisations, we need to rid ourselves of certain common…

Listing 118 to 126 out of 151