Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Brandon Brown on Management tv: The Kata method transforms thinking patterns and helps effective problem solving

Brandon Brown is a well-known American Master Kata Coach and founder of Continuous Coaching…

Kateřina Reiblová on Management tv: Insurance Brokering is a prestigious profession with a personal approach to clients

Kateřina Reiblová is a member of the board of directors and the HR Director of the insurance…

Robert Hogan on Management TV: True leadership is not a matter of politicking or charisma

Robert Hogan is president and founder of Hogan Assessment Systems as well as the spiritual father of…

Blake Wittman in Management TV: Jobseeker is a customer - chooses. How will you attract him?

Blake Wittman is CEO of the recruitment agency GoodCall. He has extensive experience in management…

Blake Wittman in Management TV: How to get more quality job applicants via career sites

Blake Wittman was one of the speakers within the jubilee tenth annual conference HR Management 2015…

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