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Your query "Company culture" has returned 165 articles.

Is your work environment toxic? Five signs that you are the cause


"A fish rots from the head down". This saying also applies when a work environment is toxic, communication poor and team spirit non-existent. In such cases the manager is usually to blame, at least in…

Five traits a candidate must have to fit into your team


Recruiting a new employee is a difficult and delicate task, mainly because in addition to the necessary hard skills, the candidate must also have certain soft skills and traits that show they will be…

Eight tips on creating an authentic employer brand in an online environment


When a company advertises its open positions online, it is selling you one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It is a decision that no one should take lightly. So if you are promoting…

Take trust seriously: Are your employees reluctant to speak their mind? (2/2)


The previous article described why trust is not just an added extra which it is nice to have. Nowadays it is a necessity – at least if you want to attract and retain the best talents. With trust,…

Take trust seriously: Are your employees reluctant to speak their mind? (1/2)


In a safe and trusting environment, employees can express their vulnerabilities and ask for help when they need it. They are not afraid that admitting a lack of knowledge will damage their position.…

Should people be yelling at others? Culture matters (2/2)


The previous article described two main types of cultures when it comes to the acceptability of yelling and open expression of emotions.

Should people be yelling at others? Culture matters (1/2)


What do you think of people who are quick to raise their voices? When it comes to confrontation, do you prefer the quiet approach? What is the right way to respond to conflicts? To a large extent it…

We have been corrupted: time for an adult discussion


When discussing corruption, it is easy to make sweeping moral statements and condemn injustice. But combating corruption is not about finding and eradicating bad, evil people in companies, ministries…

Hire and keep financial team talent


Base the career culture in your company on experience and what interests a given individual rather than on titles and promotions. That way you can reduce expenses on new hires and will also be better…

Customer experience (1/2): Starting from scratch


If you have never really thought about improving customer experience, you may welcome a hint about where to start. And even if you do have some activities related to assessing and improving the…

What is bad management?


We all want to avoid bad management practice but we may not know exactly what the signs of bad management are.

Analysing company culture using advanced research


Text analysis enabled by machine learning can reveal fresh truths about company culture which had previously remained hidden.

Does your workplace resemble a cult? (2/2)


The previous article described the attraction of cult leaders, as well as how something resembling a cult is to be found in many different social institutions. Now let's see if this also applies to…

Does your workplace resemble a cult? (1/2)


What is it that makes cults so attractive? Just think about the Manson family or the Jonestown cult, both of which resulted in the death of many people. There are also less violent cults, be they New…

Authenticity or cultural fit?


Authenticity is the main aim of all diversity efforts. On the other hand, the core of cultural intelligence is adaptation to the preferences and norms of other people. Can we really invite people to…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 165