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Your query "Company culture" has returned 195 articles.

Too much competition is bad: how to create a company culture based on cooperation


Some entrepreneurs and leaders, such as Steve Jobs, would deliberately create an atmosphere of competition and rivalry among their teams. Jobs' vision was that by fighting among themselves, teams…

A good manager is essential for employee satisfaction. What does an ideal manager look like?


The way a worker perceives their supervisor plays a crucial role in their satisfaction and loyalty. Even the highest salary and the best company culture can never compensate for a supervisor who is…

Five tips on creating a culture of learning and desire for knowledge in your organisation


Do you want to create a culture at your company that values education, training and the desire to push oneself further? Are you trying to get your employees to learn more and be more interested in the…

Change in company culture and honest dialogue: how an employer can support employees' mental well-being


According to an American survey by CIPD and Simplyhealth in 2023, 76% of companies reported absenteeism due to increased stress or mental health issues. Ignoring subordinates' mental health will not…

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

3.5.2023  Interview with Kimberly Nei, Director of Talent Analytics, Assessment Systems International

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To help with this, they can evaluate analytics that, based on job profiles, will help with the selection of suitable candidates.…

Six tips on improving employee loyalty at your company


Employee loyalty is a crucial component of any successful company. Employees who are loyal to their employer are more likely to be productive, engaged, and committed to the company's goals. Here are…

Four tips on supporting a healthy company culture


Company culture is a collection of all the unwritten processes and practices at your company. It incorporates the way individual workers communicate with one another, as well as the relationship…

Five tips on removing gender inequality from your company culture


Unfortunately, despite all the achievements of recent years, gender-based differences in attitudes towards employees are still present at many companies. However, gender inequality may not be…

Change management: implementing changes in your company culture effectively


Implementation of any big change in a company is a delicate and thorough process. This also applies to company culture: if there are certain deep-rooted attitudes and processes at your company that…

HR department: employees' ally or enemy?


In an ideal world, employees should regard the HR department as their ally who takes care not only of administration connected to legal aspects of the employer-employee relationship, but also tends to…

Emotions and inspiration to collect ideas from employee and get them in


Flight Brussels Prague December 2017. An ex-colleague Pavel from work recognized me. By chance our seats were close to each other. He explained me that he was now General Manager of a logistic company…

Economic & Social Performance: Dare to listen people at the base of the pyramid, those who are usually excluded


It is said that Tariq, the Saudi Arabian importer of Bobcat, could have bought the worldwide Bobcat company of 3,000 employees and simply paid for it with his credit card. He is also famous for not…

During the pandemic, we had to teach our employees that it's okay to take a break - 2nd part

12.7.2021  Interview with Sabrina Dick, SAP HR Director for Central and Eastern Europe

We are delighted to bring to HR News an extensive interview with Sabrina Dick, SAP's HR Director for Central and Eastern Europe. The interview was conducted as part of the SAP Human Experience Summit…

Four steps towards reducing uncertainty among employees


The current times bring rapid changes and much uncertainty. Many employees are anxious about whether the company might start firing people or how otherwise the situation might affect them. This, of…

During the pandemic, we had to teach our employees that it's okay to take a break - 1st part

21.6.2021  Interview with Sabrina Dick, SAP HR Director for Central and Eastern Europe

We are delighted to bring to HR News an extensive interview with Sabrina Dick, SAP's HR Director for Central and Eastern Europe. The interview was conducted as part of the SAP Human Experience Summit…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 195