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Your query "Curriculum vitae" has returned 33 articles.

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

3.5.2023  Interview with Kimberly Nei, Director of Talent Analytics, Assessment Systems International

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To help with this, they can evaluate analytics that, based on job profiles, will help with the selection of suitable candidates.…

How to detect a candidate with good working morale based on their CV


Are you seeking a candidate for a position which requires hard work, good working morale and high productivity? Here are seven signs that will help you recognise such a productive worker.

Checklist: Questions you should ask when verifying a candidate's references


One of the reasons why verification of references may seem ineffective is the fact that many HR professionals will be content to contact a close colleague of the candidate, who, of course, will offer…

Key Partner in the Decision Process


Radek, a young designer for smartphone apps working in a pharmaceutical company has a problem: he is earning too much money. OK that doesn’t sound like the worst problem in the world, so maybe to…

How to deal with rejection when applying for a job


With a few steps, you can process your emotions, learn from experience, and go back to seeking new opportunities.

10 things that shouldn't appear in job ads (but often do)


The start of a new year is often associated with changes. People change jobs, companies are looking for new candidates. Although this time round things will be rather different, the workload of…

Nine tips for recruiting and retaining employees during the crisis


Business opportunities continue to appear even in the current challenging environment affected by the health crisis. Thus there is a need to adapt in general to the issue of recruitment and retention…

Why a CV is not enough to find a job (and what to do instead)


It is incredible how many people (regardless of their age) send hundreds of CVs and consider this the only "strategy" to get a job. And what is the result? Stress, frustration, emotional decay, maybe…

Survey shows soft skills play a major role in graduate recruitment


The current situation on the job market is forcing employers ever more frequently and eagerly to hire those groups of people who in the past tended to be at the bottom of the hierarchy from a…

The structure and content of a quality cover letter


You do not learn much about a person from a CV as it has a fairly strictly given structure, there is not much improvisation involved and no individual “whims” are allowed. It is therefore often the…

5 non-traditional tips on writing a great cover letter


If you are applying for a job, there are three areas where you must perform 100% to have the best chance of success: CV, cover letter and interview. Today's article will deal with writing a cover…

LinkedIn: The most common clichés in online CVs in 2017


The number of users of the professional social network LinkedIn surpassed 500 million in 2017. They represent more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. The number of users from the Czech…

Microsoft Outlook has started showing LinkedIn profiles


In the middle of last year, Microsoft bought the LinkedIn professional social network for $26 billion. Since then, there have been debates about whether the company would be able to make the most of…

Poor LinkedIn profiles: a view from recruiters


Recruiters devote an enormous amount of time to studying LinkedIn profiles, most of which, after a while, might start to look identical. Hence the advice that job seekers ought to include something…

LinkedIn: Most common clichés of users and recruiters in 2016


The number of users of the professional social network LinkedIn reached more than 467 million in 2016. They represent more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. The number of users from the…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 33