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Your query "Data analysis and data mining" has returned 37 articles.

We are facing a digital tsunami. Are the huge volumes of data we produce still sustainable?


Have you ever thought that the enormous growth in data in recent years may not be sustainable? And that heaps of data are nothing more than ballast that will remain in the digital abyss of history?

Women can be outstanding data experts


From the analysis of big data to the creation of applications, use of machine learning algorithms, or the rapid discovery of effective treatment procedures for COVID-19 ... The demand for data experts…

Why is data science not an exact science?


Organisations are working to adopt data science in order to gain more relevant answers to the complex issues concerning their business. However, these answers are not absolute. Why?

Use business analytics to your advantage


Business intelligence, useful as it is, does have some pitfalls. So take care and make sure its advantages will outweigh any costs.

Algorithms in hiring: Biases are often a remnant of the past (2/2)


The previous article described how abandoning algorithms in favour of human judgment may ultimately entrench our biases even more deeply and make them much harder to detect.

Algorithms in hiring: Biases are often a remnant of the past (1/2)


Algorithms are blamed by many for making decisions based on biases and similar distortions. For instance, there was a recruiting algorithm at Amazon that ignored female applicants.

Personas: don’t turn a blind eye to customers’ needs


The creation of user personas should be taken seriously. The effort you put into creating them will definitely pay off later.

Automation: the cure for decision fatigue


Artificial intelligence can help leaders do their jobs better and more easily. Its adoption can immediately translate into huge value. For top leaders, technology may help reduce the effects of…

Insights for more informed decisions: Tools McKinsey uses (2/2)


The previous article described a tool that enables companies to understand their own organisational structure, which may not always be transparent.

Insights for more informed decisions: Tools McKinsey uses (1/2)


Let’s take a look at some technological tools which serve to analyse, benchmark and utilise data.

Integrated enterprise risk management: a new role for those in finance


There are many risks and uncertainties a company needs to deal with. These include geopolitical events, volatile financial markets, newly emerging technology or cybersecurity threats.

Using a customer journey map to enhance productivity


It is essential business productivity be measured in the right way. It may seem surprising but the productivity of an entire business cannot be measured solely by analysing the productivity of…

Hyper-personalised customer experiences (1/2): Do you have the right mindset?


Even with ever-changing technology, one element remains constant – the customer.

Are your decisions data-driven?


For a long time now, manufacturers have been trying to eliminate as much waste material as possible in their production processes. We now need to start thinking about how to eliminate waste in our…

Voice of the Customer (1/2): Who should deal with it


Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs drive more sales for companies. They reduce service escalations and provide clients with a better user experience.

Listing 1 to 15 out of 37