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Your query "E-commerce" has returned 59 articles.

5 tips on how to write a business email that doesn't end up in a virtual bin


E-mail can be an effective tool in the Information Age. However, you need to learn how to differentiate yourself from competitors that target the same customer. Here are few tips.

Targeted marketing campaigns as the key to gaining consumers at home in 2021


Retailers will need to work together to respond to the protracted shifts in consumer behavior caused by the pandemic.

What leads consumers to share online content (and how to use it)?


How can you create social media posts that bring content clicks and, of course, profits? This will be the focus of today's article.

New AI tools in MailChimp will improve the effeectiveness and creativity of your campaigns


A new pair of marketing tools from Mailchimp aims to make machine learning opportunities available to companies that do not necessarily have large teams of analysts or resources for expensive data…

Five tips for your conversion strategy


Do you feel that most strategies in online marketing, full of available data, are based on achieving something "more"? However, the real added value may be something completely different.

Do you know how to monitor your brand's reputation on social networks?


Nowadays, you can hardly do without social networks. While every type of product doesn't require daily activity on a particular network, you should at least be there to watch your brand awareness…

3 trends in customer care this year


According to the NICE inContact Customer Experience (CX) Transformation Benchmark study, companies have been rapidly increasing their investments this year to achieve a deeply integrated and digital…

Why don't customers respond to your mailings?


Do you send newsletters and mailings to your customers? Then you know that it is relatively difficult to maintain their attention and positive response in the long run. Here are some tips to ensure…

Do you want customers to find you online? Find out how to do it


Focus on performance marketing strategies that work.

5 rules for writing emails to customers


The number of emails we send and receive per day tends to make our approach robotic. Take a step back and look at your emails through the eyes of the recipient, and  brush up on your skills. Learn…

Prepare an acquisition strategy for 2021


Uncertainty reigns everywhere this year. Even organizations that are still strong and successful today must prepare to adapt their approach at the strategic level to succeed in 2021.

Work on your brand's reputation. Here are 3 tips on how to do it


Your reputation is affected by many factors, including primary marketing channels such as social networking and email. Here are some tips to help you build a positive reputation for your brand.

From business to customer support - The world of e-commerce is changing dramatically


In recent months, customers have quickly become accustomed to buying goods online instead of shopping in brick-and-mortar stores. If you are in e-commerce, you should now, more than ever, strongly…

Content marketing is growing in importance


Between March and April of this year, the e-commerce industry grew as much as in the last ten years. As consumers become accustomed to searching for and buying products online, content marketing has…

80 marketing tools for every type of business (and budget)


In the world of marketing, new tools, tips, tricks and trends are constantly emerging that you can incorporate into your marketing strategy. It isn't possible to keep up with every one, but it's good…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 59