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Your query "Employee development" has returned 481 articles.

The most common mistakes when promoting subordinates


Motivating subordinates and giving them some vision for the future: these are among the reasons why it is necessary from time to time to promote some subordinates. Promotion usually involves not only…

The importance of encouraging subordinates to use AI


Over the last few years AI, namely Artificial Intelligence, has become a frequently discussed topic. Although various automation features have been available for some time, it is only the recent…

Management strategies to ensure the loyalty of subordinates


Retaining quality and promising talent both on the team and at the company is one of the key tasks of a team manager. Unfortunately, many managers make mistakes that tend to demotivate subordinates…

Three good reasons not to give subordinates total freedom


Developing subordinates and giving them the space to work independently and creatively on their own is extremely important. However, as the saying goes: everything in moderation. Giving subordinates…

A few simple things to show subordinates you truly value them


Few things boost employee loyalty and satisfaction like the feeling their supervisor truly and genuinely appreciates them. Unfortunately, few managers are effective in expressing respect for…

Help subordinates reach their full potential – by listening to them


A well-functioning team usually contains diverse (often even contradictory) personalities, each with their own specific qualities, approaches and talents. It is then the manager's job to support team…

Do you want to make your employees as happy as possible? Then avoid these mistakes


Employee performance depends largely on how happy people are at work. And to a great extent their happiness depends on the way their manager treats them. Showing subordinates you do not respect them…

For better results from subordinates, do not underestimate training soft skills


Any manager would probably like to see better business results or higher productivity from their subordinates. Often they try to do this either through financial incentives or hard skills training.…

The Peter Principle in people management and how to avoid its effects


There is a rule in people management called the Peter Principle. It is a generally applicable principle that affects almost all larger organisations, even if they are often unaware of it. What is the…

Reskilling: what it is and how it can help you keep high-quality employees at your company


What is meant by "reskilling", how does it relate to the horizontal movement of employees within a company, and how can you use it to avoid losing talented employees? All this is the subject of this…

The cost of giving subordinates too little attention or even neglecting them


It does not pay for managers to devote too little time and energy to their subordinates. Most workers want to develop, they require feedback and need interaction with their supervisor. If they are not…

Raise new sales aces in your team in three steps


Good salespeople do not just appear randomly. Although genetic predispositions can help, acquiring unique sales skills requires above all resilience and hard work. Here are three strategies to help…

Four tips on motivating subordinates to study


Sooner or later, people who do not educate themselves will miss the boat. This is true on both an individual and team level. As a manager, you should always try to motivate subordinates to keep…

Four ways to support socialising among employees


A good atmosphere and team spirit at the workplace can work wonders. The better employees are acquainted and willing to communicate and help one another, the better the results for the entire team and…

Soft skills every manager should develop in subordinates


What are soft skills? Unlike hard skills, such as education, qualifications and theoretical or technical knowledge, soft skills have a lot to do with communication, working style and social or…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 481