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Your query "HR tv Interviews" has returned 5 articles.

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

3.5.2023  Interview with Kimberly Nei, Director of Talent Analytics, Assessment Systems International

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To help with this, they can evaluate analytics that, based on job profiles, will help with the selection of suitable candidates.…

Only 30% of employees in Europe are engaged. How to change it?

Audio  13.5.2019 

Stéphan Thierry is Managing Director of Krauthammer. In our interview, he focused on factors why companies fail in employee engagement and how to help them.

Louise Evans on HR tv: Learn how to communicate effectively using the unique Five-Chairs method

Audio  8.12.2017 

Louise Evans is a British lecturer, coach and author of the original communication method Five Chairs. For over 30 years, she has been working in Florence, Italy, where she has also established her…

David Meier in HR tv: How to develop deep understanding

Audio  23.12.2016 

David Meier is a U.S. expert on labor productivity. He gave an interview on the occasion of the third annual Global Laboratory Conference organized by a Czech NGO, People Management Forum. The topic…

Catherine Sinclair in HRtv: Dynamics of workforce is changing. The result is work flexibilization

Audio  28.12.2015 

Catherine Sinclair, HR director of Plzeňský Prazdroj, was one of the participants in a panel discussion at the Conference Global HR laboratory or Top HR Trends in HR II organized by the NGO People…

Listing 1 to 5 out of 5