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Your query "Headhunting and recruiting" has returned 583 articles.

Start making sense: how to ensure a powerful Reason for Being


What if a single characteristic could raise your talent attraction and retention, your brand and bottom line? This is the power of ‘purpose’ or ‘Reason for Being’. Unsurprisingly, the concept has…

"Candidate experience": improving the recruitment process from a candidate's perspective


"Candidate experience" is a term used to describe how candidates perceive the recruitment process of specific companies, regardless of whether or not they are ultimately selected by them. The…

How to find, attract and recruit top talent for IT positions


From a recruiter's perspective, technical IT positions such as developers, testers, project managers or data analysts are hard to fill. Why? Because high-quality and experienced workers in this field…

Do you want to find out what the candidate is really like at a job interview? Then follow this script


During a job interview, the recruiter wants to get to know the candidate's real personality. They want to find out how hard-working the candidate is, what kind of attitude they have towards life and…

How to speed up recruitment at your company


Speed of recruitment is one important factor in its overall effectiveness. If it is too slow, the company may lose out on quality candidates who either accept another offer or become frustrated with…

Tips on improving candidates' experience with your recruitment process


The experience a company provides to candidates in the selection process is a direct reflection of how it cares for its employees. This process is a sort of showcase for any company and its corporate…

A shortage of high-quality candidates: how can your company deal with this issue?


Despite all the economic crises, debt or high inflation in the last year or two, one thing is still true in the Czech Republic: it maintains a record low level of unemployment. However, this also…

Are you selecting the right candidate for a position? Here's how to recognize them


Sales is a fairly versatile field of work. Even those who have no sales experience can do well in it. Personality traits are more importan than work experience, as certain personal characteristics…

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

3.5.2023  Interview with Kimberly Nei, Director of Talent Analytics, Assessment Systems International

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To help with this, they can evaluate analytics that, based on job profiles, will help with the selection of suitable candidates.…

What to focus on when recruiting a new employee so they fit into their new team


One of the most important tasks of a recruiter when selecting a new employee is to find someone who is the best possible fit for the new team on a personal level. How can you tell if a candidate is a…

Four traits that show a candidate will fit in with their new team


One of the main tasks of a recruiter is to assess candidates not only in terms of their hard skills and work experience, but also with regard to whether they will fit in with their new team on a…

Six tips on how to make candidates more interested in your job ad


Do you get too few replies to the job ads you post? Or do only "low-quality" candidates apply, while people with the necessary education and skills do not respond at all? Here are six tips on how to…

How to create effective teams nowadays?

29.9.2022  Interview with Ryne Sherman of Hogan Assessment Systems International

Ryne Sherman, you are a Senior Scientist at Hogan Assessment Systems International. It is a great pleasure to have you here on HRtv. Your presentation at the conference for Hogan Assessment CR was…

Correctly formulating job interview questions to learn as much as possible about a candidate


The way you ask questions during a job interview, how you formulate them and the structure you give them, has a profound impact on the quality of information you eventually obtain. One of the…

Three signs a candidate took time to prepare for a job interview


Every recruiter wants to see a candidate prepared for a job interview. You definitely want someone who is interested in the given field and your company, enthusiastic about what your company does and…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 583