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Your query "Industry 4.0" has returned 25 articles.

10 European personalities it makes sense to follow (2/2)


Keep track of how the world of business and technology will evolve in the coming years. Here is a list of several influential foreign experts and entrepreneurs from all over Europe that it makes sense…

10 European personalities it makes sense to follow (1/2)


Keep track of how the world of business and technology will evolve in the coming years. Here is a list of several influential foreign experts and entrepreneurs from all over Europe that it makes sense…

Seven widespread business jargon words and abbreviations you should stop using


Entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of speaking the customer's language. However, they often use jargon the average consumer may not understand. Getting rid of business slang and overused…

Why is data science not an exact science?


Organisations are working to adopt data science in order to gain more relevant answers to the complex issues concerning their business. However, these answers are not absolute. Why?

Three areas of digital service transformation accelerated by COVID-19


Digital transformation was an item on many business lists long before COVID-19 appeared; however, the pandemic has catapulted it to the top spot among virtually all the companies in the world. The…

Typology of chief innovation officers (2/2)


The previous article described how innovation-focused top managers are by no means rare nowadays and several different types exist. We began with researchers; now we will look at other kinds of…

Typology of chief innovation officers (1/2)


Do you know that there are several different types of chief innovation officer? In 2017, almost one third of Fortune 500 companies already had a senior innovation executive. 

Will Apple survive? (2/2)


The previous article described what is happening at Apple. Now we will see how the company stands in comparison with competitors. Nokia made some poor technical and organisational choices after the…

Will Apple survive? (1/2)


Speculation and doubt are often heard nowadays in connection with Apple. Recently the company reduced its revenue forecast, which is something we are not used to. It seems that the key drivers of…

Start-ups that make it: Two French stories


Here are some valuable reflections articulated by two founders of two start-ups in France.

Innovations and their origins


Most innovations happen when someone attempts to find a quick fix to a particular problem. Innovations are about finding solutions that work. This is particularly evident in a recession; in other…

How drones and technology are changing logistics


The first thing that comes to one’s mind when drones are mentioned in connection with supply chains are Amazon’s drones delivering packages. But that's only the beginning. The impact of this…

A new digital world is here (1/2): The Industrial Age is comming to an end


We are currently experiencing a digital transformation in the form of a profound socioeconomic shift from top-down hierarchies to networks on a peer-to-peer basis. Many of our current beliefs are…

Study: Global use of industrial robots


Production automation keeps on accelerating. While in 2015 there were 66 robotic units per every 10,000 manufacturing workers worldwide, the figure was 74 units in 2017 (99 in Europe, 84 in North and…

Pitfalls of digital strategies (2/2): Which companies are winning?


The previous article described what digitisation really means. Particularly in regulated industries (banking or insurance), incumbents can try to disrupt things. To their competitors they are equally…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 25