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Your query "Informa%C4%8Dn%C3%AD technologie a syst%C3%A9my" has returned 50 articles.

The July 2024 IT blackout: what should managers take from it?


On 19th July 2024, the global IT structure experienced a partial collapse after the Crowdstrike company released a faulty update to its software. Some airports suspended flights, a number of media…

Five reasons to upgrade your workforce management technology now


Businesses need to start looking to the future of their staff management and rethink how their current systems and processes will work in the new normal. Here are five key areas where you might seek…

Basic principles of digitisation in an agile organisation


The COVID-19 global pandemic has accelerated the need for companies to be agile, regardless of whether they are prepared for it. Enormous numbers of people now work from home, forcing companies to…

Four reasons why video calls are unnatural


The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing many of us into an online environment in which we now maintain remote social contact and collaboration through video calls. But while some people praise the…

Finance and shared services centre: can it work?


To derive maximum value from shared services, leaders of finance departments should be committed and engaged. Their commitment is vital to ensure deployment of a shared services unit will lead to the…

How CFOs can lead digital transformation (2/2)


The previous article mentioned four roles CFOs can take on to help their companies with digital transformation. The first of these was described in more detail; now we will look at the remaining three…

Insights for more informed decisions: Tools McKinsey uses (1/2)


Let’s take a look at some technological tools which serve to analyse, benchmark and utilise data.

How retail stores should adjust to e-commerce


Are traditional brick-and-mortar stores doomed with the growth of e-commerce? The advantages for customers are clear: online shops are always available and e-commerce businesses deliver purchases to…

Will Apple survive? (2/2)


The previous article described what is happening at Apple. Now we will see how the company stands in comparison with competitors. Nokia made some poor technical and organisational choices after the…

Using a customer journey map to enhance productivity


It is essential business productivity be measured in the right way. It may seem surprising but the productivity of an entire business cannot be measured solely by analysing the productivity of…

How blockchain helps business (2/2): Challenges


The previous article described the main advantages of blockchain technology, in particular how it allows for standardisation and automation of processes which bring greater efficiency. Now we will…

How blockchain helps business (1/2)


Blockchain enables the tracking of shipments in real time. The result is the automation and standardisation of processes. The technology of blockchain creates trust.

Matchmaking services (1/2): Why business with love isn’t eager to innovate


Matchmaking companies (typically in the online dating industry) charge customers a regular monthly fee. That may lead to a reluctance to innovate since technological progress is often less lucrative.

Study: Procurement in 2025


Significant changes in procurement will occur in the years ahead and not only in the purchasing process and supply chain: thanks to automation, the roles of employees will be transformed too. We can…

Single or multiple sourcing? (1/2)


When there is a business-critical project to take care of and sourcing is necessary, should you look for the best single supplier, or would it be better to use several suppliers, one for each part?

Listing 1 to 15 out of 50