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Your query "Knihy" has returned 94 articles.

Four books that will change your perspective on what it means to be a leader


What does it mean to be an effective leader? How do you inspire, lead and motivate others? And how can you too become such a leader, given the rapid evolution of modern technology and changes taking…

Five inspirational books for entrepreneurs and leaders


Summer is coming and that means holidays. Many people use this period of relative calm to do some reading. This year, how about putting aside light literature and crime novels and rather developing…

Get rid of your toxic habits


Yes, you really can get rid of habits which have long bothered you. Neuroscience shows a relatively clear method.

Corporate reading clubs strengthen employees' ties to the company and other people


The pandemic has given many of us more personal space. A lot of people have returned to what they had put off for a long time: now, when they need not commute anywhere, they have more time for it -…

Advice for dual-career couples


If both partners in a relationship have a demanding career, it is difficult for them to manage their hectic lives. They need to make sure they know what they want to pursue and also what they are…

How to bring people with opposing views together (2/2)


The previous article described how being too invested in an idea may prevent you from actually doing something about the issue you wish to solve. Now we will look at the four requirements of releasing…

How to bring people with opposing views together (1/2)


If you have a group of people who fiercely disagree with one another, that does not necessarily mean you cannot facilitate a discussion between them. It is quite possible to reach a workable solution…

Leadership development and self-awareness (2/2): Reveal your blockers


The previous article looked at why understanding your own motivators and beliefs is crucial for your development as a leader.

Success may not bring happiness: so be happy now (1/2)


Do you still believe that as soon as you become successful, you will automatically be happy too? This is a common belief nowadays. It seems like no one deserved to be happy until they were somehow…

Is it your dream to replicate the success of Apple?


Ken Kocienda worked at Apple for 15 years. Now the former principal engineer of the company has shared some of his insights. 

8 Principles of Rebel Leadership


Success is often the result not of following but rather breaking rules and traditions. This is evidenced by the stories of personalities from various fields of human activity. Thanks to their acts of…

From red to blue ocean (1/2): Only value innovators can escape the sharks


Nowadays we can observe rapid growth of companies like Amazon, Apple and Netflix. Both market valuations and media coverage of these large firms are rising. How to escape the red ocean full of sharks…

Do you know how to steer successfully innovative ideas?


Why are some people able to get their ideas rolling, while other people's innovative ideas get no attention? What makes the difference?

2 key problems of today blockchain can solve


The authors of a book entitled Competing Against Luck emphasise that if you want to come up with some sort of innovation, you need first to uncover where the main problem lies. Attempts at innovation…

Wealth management in the years to come (2/2)


The previous article described how technology and new target groups will play their roles in the field of wealth management. Today we will focus on the challenges faced by female investors and on…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 94