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Your query "Knowledge management technologies" has returned 10 articles.

We are facing a digital tsunami. Are the huge volumes of data we produce still sustainable?


Have you ever thought that the enormous growth in data in recent years may not be sustainable? And that heaps of data are nothing more than ballast that will remain in the digital abyss of history?

Women can be outstanding data experts


From the analysis of big data to the creation of applications, use of machine learning algorithms, or the rapid discovery of effective treatment procedures for COVID-19 ... The demand for data experts…

Cloud computing? It's here to stay


The Internet of Things will be replaced by Internet of Everything, in which humans will be interconnected, not only devices. In the meantime, cloud computing is a hot industry with many tech…

E-mails are doomed (1/2): New and better tools are here


New platforms enable employees to collaborate, solve problems, come up with new ideas and also create new internal procedures. These technologies allow co-workers to contact people with whom…

Why do we still need banks? Fintechs are not a perfect substitute


Banks still have a unique role in providing liquidity and funding higher credit risk assets. Digital technology doesnt represent a fundamental disruption to these banking services. Banks will adapt to…

Health informatics: Careers dedicated to improving patient care


The aim of this field is to improve patient care and create better healthcare solutions. Improvements are enabled by gathering and analyzing vast amounts of data. In the US it is already thriving,…

The future of academic research is in automation


A single research paper may impact hundreds of disciplines. Academics are busy people whose work is very time-consuming: huge bodies of research must be synthesised, hypotheses generated and data…

Digital transformation of shared-services centres


In the digital environment, shared services and IT will collaborate with business units to determine how best to achieve the digital transformation of end-to-end processes. Therefore, leaders should…

Study: Tech-ready states in 2015


This year's leader of the ICT revolution is Singapore, which has a comprehensive digital strategy at governmental level and where online services and tools are utilised extensively. More than 50% of…

How to study (not only) MBA for free


Is it impossible for you to spend two years at a foreign university or to pay high tuition for an MBA? Then you might be interested in ways to study MBA for free, under the guidance of experts from…

Listing 1 to 10 out of 10