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Your query "Leadership" has returned 946 articles.

Want to be a successful leader? Five things you need to do every day


To be truly successful, a manager needs not only to have the necessary hard skills but also be able to inspire and positively motivate subordinates during their daily work. Do you too want to be a…

Five must-have personal traits of a truly successful boss


Do you have ambitions to become a team leader, or are you already in a management role and want really to excel in it? Do you want genuinely to motivate, inspire, lead and be a role model to your…

Five things future leaders will need to know and be able to do


As society as a whole evolves along with expectations of workers and managers, so also do the requirements for managers. Leaders of companies and teams in the near future will need to have rather…

Five basic types of subordinates and the management style to lead them


Workers can be divided into five basic categories based on personality traits and preferences. It is then possible to determine which management style is best for leading which subordinates. Here are…

Six tips for first-time managers


Every manager has had to start somewhere, including the initial phase of leading people without having had any previous experience in such a role. If you are in this position yourself after just being…

Five tips on being a manager the best and most promising employees want to work for


Bad managers only attract bad subordinates. That is because talented and promising workers cannot tolerate a bad manager and will very soon leave the team. Really good leaders, on the other hand,…

Seven traits that make a true leader


What distinguishes a genuine, successful leader from mediocre ones? It is not only experience, but above all certain personality traits. This article will look at the seven main ones.

Four habits to make you a more successful manager


How to become a successful manager? Shortcuts and short-term solutions do not work; becoming genuinely successful means sticking to certain rules and habits for the long term. Here are four habits…

Want to be a successful manager? Then lose these four common bad habits


Achieving success in managing people requires great communication skills, organisational skills and experience. It also requires long-term adherence to certain habits and avoidance of some bad habits.…

30-day challenge for managers: become a better leader in just one month


At any given moment, there are numerous challenges being shared on the Internet. They concern working out, losing weight, exercising, healthy living, or some completely unimportant nonsense. So why…

Main principles of crisis management


What makes a genuinely good manager is the ability to lead a team effectively even in times of crisis. Is your team facing a big change? Are you expecting a decline in orders, restructuring, or some…

Avoid demotivating subordinates by not making these five mistakes


Motivating employees is a complex and difficult task. Every employee has specific needs and expectations. On the other hand, some managerial approaches and mistakes are guaranteed to demotivate…

Three methods that help visionaries come up with novel and effective ideas


Sometimes it may seem that visionary leaders simply pull interesting and original ideas out of their hat without any effort. But most of them actually use three effective methods to help them generate…

The four basic managerial types: which one are you?


There are basically four types of manager, depending on how they lead subordinates and which management principles they use. What are the four basic managerial types, and which one are you?

How can you tell if you are a natural leader?


Most people have to learn how to be a good leader; however, a select few are born with management skills. How do you know if you are the latter type and a natural leader?

Listing 1 to 15 out of 946