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Your query "Lifelong learning" has returned 30 articles. – Your Guide to the Professional IT Training with the Largest Selection of 16,000 Courses and 180 Providers in the Czech Republic


IT training is becoming one of the key areas in which companies and institutions have invested heavily in recent years. Therefore, Ivitera a.s. comes up with a new project – the online IT …

A good leader can learn from mistakes: Interview with Dr. Robert Hogan, icon of the psychodiagnostics


Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a distinguished guest at the May conference Challenges of Contemporary Leadership, organized by Assessment Systems Czech Republic in…

Tears of truth


The eyes of Lucie, the Human Resources Manager, blurred and she shed a tear. She apologized: "sorry but it's too beautiful, I feel like I'm in a fairy tale, that's what we need".

Recipe to build the passion: problem as catalysator, listening of the person desire, confirmation by the events


“A boy 11 years old needs his father” said my son’s teacher during the meeting between parents and teachers. Some months later the director of the school ask for a meeting to explain me that my son…

Optimise the cost of your L&D programmes in 2021


Education and development managers find themselves in a difficult situation during this period. Demand for skills development remains but there are not enough resources to cover it. For this reason,…

Study: How effective are foreign language learning applications?


Researchers from the University of Michigan recently conducted a study on Babbel, the popular e-learning application for learning languages, ​​to find out if it really brings users the desired…

Study: Digital education is on the rise


Digital education is growing in popularity. Through remote personal development, people are seeking ways to deal with the difficult situation currently facing the whole world. At least this is what is…

Neurological aspects of learning and their use in building an L&D programme (2/2)


Many companies are still trying to iron out the kinks in their Learning & Development programmes, most of which are created internally by employees not trained in neuroscience, neuropsychology,…

Neurological aspects of learning and their use in building an L&D programme (1/2)


Many companies are still trying to iron out the kinks in their Learning & Development programmes. Most of these programmes are created internally by employees who are not trained in neuroscience,…

Truths and myths about microlearning (2/2)


Microlearning is one of the most popular and controversial methods of education. While some argue it can replace any form of course and any teaching topic, others claim it offers only superficial…

Truths and myths about microlearning (1/2)


Microlearning is one of the most popular and controversial methods of education. While some argue it can replace any form of course and any teaching topic, others claim it offers only superficial…

Top 100 most innovative universities in Europe


The political uncertainty associated with Brexit could be the cause of a major change in the locations where innovations originate in Europe. The scientific community has started moving away from…

Automation and jobs: how institutions must change


With the technology currently available, about one-third of the activities in 60% of all jobs could be automated today. That, however, does not mean millions of jobs will be gone tomorrow. Automation…

Study: Companies can no longer just consume "ready-made" human capital


The world has so far managed to develop 62% of its human capital. Therefore, each country is overlooking or misusing 38% of the available talent. The ability to develop and use human capital…

Chief learning officers should be both managers and teachers


Nick van Dam, chief learning officer (CLO) at McKinsey, is passionate about learning. His role in the company is to oversee leadership development and skill building. He fulfils this for some 25,000…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 30