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Your query "Mana%25C5%25BEersk%25C3%25A1 relaxace" has returned 151 articles.

Five unusual tips on being happier and staying positive


One of the main tasks of a manager is to provide support to subordinates even in times of stress or crisis, to see opportunities where others see problems, and to keep a positive outlook. Here are…

Quality sleep: the secret superpower of successful people


If someone asked you to name the most important habits and traits of successful people, "sleep" would probably not be high on most people's list. Yet quality sleep is the secret superpower that allows…

A resolution for managers for 2024: Set an example to subordinates and relax effectively


As team managers, have you made any resolutions for 2024? If not, here is a good tip, one which does not involve increased productivity, communication skills or any revolutionary project management…

Six tips for managers on maintaining energy and motivation


A manager provides energy to their team when it is lacking, and acts as a source of motivation during times of crisis. For this reason, a team manager should be able to maintain high levels of energy…

Five tips on how managers can avoid loss of motivation and burnout


Managerial positions have a high risk of burnout. Why? Because being a manager means having responsibility for not only your own work but also that of others. Moreover, managing people requires a high…

Five good reasons why managers should strictly separate their work and personal lives


Work-life balance is important for any employee, but even more so in the case of managers. Here are five good reasons why people in management positions should keep their work life strictly separate…

Feeling mentally fatigued? Five changes you can make to solve the problem


Managers are perhaps even more prone to mental exhaustion than their subordinates. Why? Because apart from being responsible for themselves and their work, they also take responsibility for their…

Boost your productivity: four tips for using short breaks at work


It has been known for some time that working for hours on end without any break is counterproductive. The brain is unable to concentrate for such a long stretch in one go and starts making mistakes…

What forms can relaxation from work take? Be inspired by five habits from cultures around the world


Meditation, mindfulness, relaxation, calming the mind: every nation has a different recipe on how to do this. If you are seeking inspiration on how to relax and recharge your batteries after a hard…

How to cope with the stress managers face


People working in managerial positions often suffer more stress than their subordinates, partly because of their responsibilities. Their situation is only made worse by the fact they cannot show they…

Seven pieces of advice on handling managerial stress


Being a manager involves numerous stressful situations and troublesome interactions, plus frequently facing short deadlines. So it is no wonder managers often find themselves overwhelmed with work…

Managerial relaxation: basics of a healthy and sustainable working routine for a team leader


Team managers often have many responsibilities: they communicate with both company management and their subordinates, keep an eye on meeting the team's plans, and often deal with ad hoc tasks that…

Manager's relaxation: five tips on eliminating work-related stress


Management positions have one of the highest risks of burnout. They tend to be extremely stressful and psychologically demanding, which is why those in such positions need to take proper care of their…

The most common reasons why managers feel a lack of energy


Motivation, inspiration, boosting energy and supporting positive thinking: these are key obligations a manager has towards their subordinates. But what if the manager themselves lacks these traits?…

Some reasons why every manager should be a reader


There are numerous studies that show regular reading has a positive effect on a person's cognitive functions, mental skills and creativity. This article will explain why specifically team leaders and…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 151