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Your query "Management education" has returned 24 articles.

Do you or your subordinates need to learn a new, complex skill? Five tips on how to do it


Applying new procedures, introducing new and unfamiliar software or even using a new machine: there are many situations, both in life and at work, where you need to get used to a new procedure and…

Six areas in which any manager should always be developing themselves


When someone is promoted to a managerial position, their education cannot end there. On the contrary, it should be just beginning. In order to remain a genuinely good manager, effectively leading and…

Four books every manager should read


Anyone who is trying to achieve success in a particular field should take advantage of the experience and knowledge others have gathered about that field over many years. This also applies to…

Areas in which managers should never stop learning


As a manager, you most likely want your subordinates to know about modern trends, keep developing themselves, apply new procedures and continue learning. Yet managers often neglect themselves in this…

When do you need a career coach and how do you find the right one?


A career coach can help you significantly in certain situations; hence the investment of finances and time in the right type of coaching may pay off many times over. Are you considering hiring a…

Four things preventing you being more successful in life and at work


What separates the successful from the rest? Not origin, education, nor even in many cases innate intelligence. Successful people have a different approach from others, both in life and at work. Here…

Five causes of project failure and how to avoid them


Business survival is based on the collaboration and successful integration of several high-performance teams. But what if one starts limping?

Do you take things personally? Thanks to this strategy, you will unlearn it


Imagine, for example, that you worked hard on a project and are really proud of it, but the only feedback you receive is criticism. Then you want to share your terrible experience at home. But while…

Mistakes to avoid at the end of a presentation


An audience often remembers the last words the longest. Learn the five common mistakes you should avoid at the end of a presentation.

Why is a degree of ignorance and inattention healthy?


Today's world offers endless possibilities. But more choice can frustrate some people: they have to make more decisions that overwhelm them, which in extreme cases leads to getting stuck in negative…

Book tip: Learn to think like a rocket scientist


Former rocket scientist and author of the bestseller "Think Like a Rocket Scientist" Ozan Varol believes that although we may not all be rocket scientists, we can learn to think like them - creatively…

Four things you should definitely not do during a presentation


Many articles have been written about what you should do during a presentation to engage your audience. This time we will offer some recommendations on what to avoid during your performance.

Mastermind group: How to join and what to expect (1/3)


If you are looking for a dose of motivation and mentoring, the solution might be to join a so-called mastermind group. What does this entail and how do you even get into such a group? You can find out…

Are you ready for a change in leadership? Three key steps


As the world prepares for an uncertain future with coronavirus, it is a good idea to pinpoint one of the most common military terms, "VUCA", which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and…

Growth mindset vs fixed mindset


What mindset do you normally employ every day? It is primarily a matter of your standard attitudes and reactions. The way you perceive and react to challenges has an enormous effect on how you live…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 24