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Your query "O %25C4%258Dem se mluv%25C3%25AD" has returned 22 articles.

How to improve employees' psychological wellbeing at your company


Employee wellbeing is important for several reasons: in addition to improving the employer brand and increasing employee satisfaction, it also results in higher employee loyalty or lower error and…

Five trends in well-being that will dominate in 2024


What are the current developments in employee comfort, well-being and satisfaction? Here are five of the top trends for 2024 that you should not miss.

Bias: its most common forms in HR and how to avoid it


HR professionals will certainly be familiar with the term "bias", which refers to prejudice or misconception. These are often unconscious prejudices about people we meet or deal with, and they can…

"Boomerang employees": who are they and how do you manage them effectively?


So-called "boomerang employees" have always been around; however, with the decline of the Covid-19 pandemic, their numbers have recently increased. What does this term mean and what should HR…

Survey: Employment of older workers is the responsibility of the HR department


Given the rising retirement age in many countries, plus other aspects such as increasing life expectancy and frequent financial problems, there are calls for people to work longer. However, this would…

Four trends in employer branding brought by 2020


At the beginning of the year, the phrase "employer branding" tended to evoke ideas of elegant offices and enviable benefits. As the end of 2020 approaches, the concept has been completely reversed,…

Few employers are able to identify and effectively solve employees' problems with alcohol and drugs


The latest British CIPD survey on drug and alcohol management at work revealed only 26% of managers are trained to recognise the symptoms of drug problems.

How to communicate if an employee is positive for COVID-19


In recent months about 10 million people worldwide have tested positive for coronavirus. This is the sad reality we will have to deal with. Do you know how to communicate the news within the company…

Online onboarding of employees step by step


Many companies looking for new employees are now focusing on recruiting people who will be able to work remotely. While it is important to focus on soft skills and personal qualities, it is also…

Study: Employee engagement has increased during the pandemic


According to a recent British study, almost a third of local employers say employee involvement is now higher than it was before the coronavirus pandemic. The study was conducted by XpertHR among 264…

Four important specialist terms that will be much used in HR in 2020


A new decade is here and, with it, HR is also entering a new era. What will be the trends this year in the field of human resources and what terms will you need to know so as not to lag behind? Here…

GDPR: 5 priorities from the perspective of HR and employee data


Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and EU Council, also known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will come into effect on 25th May 2018. It is a fundamental modification…

Automation and jobs: how institutions must change


With the technology currently available, about one-third of the activities in 60% of all jobs could be automated today. That, however, does not mean millions of jobs will be gone tomorrow. Automation…

Thalento workshop in Prague and Bratislava: A new generation of HR technologies


Technology is dramatically changing the nature of work with people in companies. Managers and HR professionals should acquaint themselves quickly with these technologies if they want to maintain their…

There are almost no big data in HR. Learn to use the small data


So-called big data is a term used for extensive data sets that cannot be processed by common software technologies and tools within a reasonable time due to their volume and variety of types.…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 22