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Your query "Onboarding and adaptation" has returned 61 articles.

Some tips on organising a new employee's first day


The first day a new employee onboards your company, in addition to the many administrative tasks to be performed, you also need to ensure the newcomer becomes familiar with their working environment…

Online onboarding during Covid: five tips on how to go about it


Onboarding, namely the introduction of new hires to the company, their initial training and integration into a new team, has become much more complicated in many organisations which have started…

Three tips on building an internship programme at your company


An internship is an excellent opportunity for job candidates who want to gain work experience and try working for an employer with a good reputation. For companies, internships are a good way to…

The biggest mistake employers make when evaluating candidates' soft skills


Today, almost all companies focus on improving diversity in teams. However, some processes are still outdated and may result in recruitment teams making poor and unfair decisions.

Team diversity and six tips on how to support it


The recruitment manager is often the only person focused on candidates' soft skills, namely basic competencies and behaviour. And this is a problem. Read six tips on how to promote greater diversity…

What does employee branding have to do with onboarding?


Many organisations see a strong employer brand as a means of attracting talent. However, the employer brand is also intertwined with the experience of new employees. And many companies are now…

Who is responsible for employee involvement in the "new normal"?


New ways of working will require more flexibility and employee involvement. Here HR will play a key role ...

Online onboarding of employees step by step


Many companies looking for new employees are now focusing on recruiting people who will be able to work remotely. While it is important to focus on soft skills and personal qualities, it is also…

A pandemic redefines jobs


The outbreak of the pandemic has forced companies into possibly a most meaningful social experiment in the future of work, while social distancing has affected fundamentally the way we collaborate and…

Nine tips for recruiting and retaining employees during the crisis


Business opportunities continue to appear even in the current challenging environment affected by the health crisis. Thus there is a need to adapt in general to the issue of recruitment and retention…

Time frame for onboarding and an employee's first year


Onboarding, namely the process of incorporating a new employee into a company, is a key period in the life cycle of any employee. Any mistakes that occur during this time will have a very negative…

Checklist for the first day of onboarding


Onboarding is a term used to describe the welcoming of a new employee in their new team. In most cases, it refers to the employee's first few days, possibly also their training, plus handling of all…

Providing new employees with the best possible adaptation process


Have you ever noticed that an employee is not one hundred per cent enthusiastic about the job they had long desired? Do you suddenly sense their mixed feelings after only a few weeks at the company?…

The most common mistakes of onboarding


Onboarding is a process in which a newly hired employee becomes part of a working environment when arriving among new colleagues and starting work in a new location. It is a crucial period, one…

Four ways of retaining top employees


Every company relies on its top employees. From an HR point of view, your company too will definitely have people whom you do not want to lose because not only are they good workers with good results,…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 61