Search results

Your query "Poradci a konzultanti" has returned 5 articles.

Robotization is nothing new. It is already shaping jobs

Audio  1.11.2018 

Ernesto Moreno is a business consultant and a human development specialist from the UK. He talks about his vision of the future of companies at the time of digitization and robotization, the…

Daniel Ofman on HR tv: Core Quadrant - a universal personal development tool

Audio  30.11.2017 

Daniel Ofman is a Dutch consultant, management coach and author the of Core Quadrant - a methodology for personal development. In 1984, he established an internationally successful consulting firm…

David Meier in HR tv: How to develop deep understanding

Audio  23.12.2016 

David Meier is a U.S. expert on labor productivity. He gave an interview on the occasion of the third annual Global Laboratory Conference organized by a Czech NGO, People Management Forum. The topic…

Zsolt Fehér in HRtv: Role of corporate HR - inspiration and new technologies for business

Audio  30.11.2015 

Zsolt Fehér, CEO of the HR consulting company Assessment Systems International in Hungary, was one of the key keynote speakers of the conference Global HR laboratory or Top HR Trends in HR II…

Dorothee Pastoor in HRtv: Leaders face increasing pressure and control

Audio  30.11.2015 

Dorothee Pastoor, Director of YSC in the Netherlands, was one of the speakers of the conference Global HR laboratory or Top Trends in HR II organized by the nonprofit organization People Management…

Listing 1 to 5 out of 5