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Your query "Pr%25C5%25AFb%25C4%259Bh obchodn%25C3%25AD sch%25C5%25AFzky" has returned 381 articles.

How to react when a prospect ends a sales meeting saying they need to think the offer through

23 hours ago. 

  This a frequent way the prospect rejects the offer of a salesperson without saying it openly. Saying that he/she needs to think about the proposal is a sign for many business people that the…

5 tips on what to do and say when your offer seems too expensive to your prospect


Many salespeople are thrown off when the prospect says that the offer is too expensive. It is surprising how many reps do not have an answer ready for this remark as it is one of the most common…

B2B selling: 4 questions you must always ask every client


Sales to a large extent equals asking the right questions that help to get the conversation inconspicuously wherever you need it. But the importance of informal small-talks should not be…

First several minutes of a sales meeting is crucial. What do you need to do during it?


The truth is that the success or failure of a deal is usually determined in the first ten minutes of a meeting. It is because during this time clients (either consciously or unconsciously) decide…

Hidden fears of a prospect: How to use them during a sales meeting


Businesswise, the fear of a prospect  is of great importance to a salesperson. All people (including cusomters) have in-depth fear of something, e.g. failure, lack of money, loss of control, or…

Are your prospects only interested in price without appreciating the quality of your product? Here are three tips on what to do


Price plays a crucial role in deciding about purchase for virtually all clients. Many of them even see price as the most important criterion, often surpassing the quality of the product or services…

Positive words and phrases and will help you sell more


Are you thinking about ways to perfect your sales pitch? Are you trying to come up with an efficient sales method that would be the perfect fit to your needs? Sometimes when it comes to giving an…

Who, what, for how much, when? Four questions you must know the answer to before you can give the prospect an offer they can't refuse


Before any offer is made by a salesperson, they have to do an analysis of the the prospect's needs. Needs analysis is learning about what the client needs and what their options, priorities and…

Four sentences that will help you smoothly proceed to signing a contract during a meeting


Many business people know this situation. You found a match between the prospect's needs and your offer, you agreed on the basic conditions of the deal, and the client agreed with everything. Now…

Four stupid questions salespeople often ask prospects but should be avoided


Asking the right questions is essential in order to interact efficiently with prospects, given that the questions make sense and are not counter-productive. Here are four stupid questions that you…

Sentences and phrases that salespeople should avoid


A salesperson needs to pay close attention to every word they say when talking to a prospect. Action words that speak of change, fast processing and forward movement are efficient. On the contrary,…

You can only sell by appealing to feelings: Tips on how to engage prospects on an emotional level


Making an impression on the client on an emotional level is a key task of a salesperson. Though most clients would deny it (because in most cases they don't realize it), making decisions, even about…

How to help your prospect overcome the status quo using the question „Why“?


The status quo and routine are enemies of sales. Both on the part of clients and salespeople as well. If a client is afraid of change, they won't be interested in new products and services. If a…

5 ways to show a B2B prospect you respect them and thus earn their trust


Respecting a prospect should be automatic in every sale. This is why it's surprising how many sales don't succeed because the sales rep willfully decides to be too informal with the prospect (who…

Do you want to earn trust of a prospective customer? Eight tips on how to do that


Building rapport is one of the crucial tasks of every salesperson. Whatever the quality of the product you are selling, a prospect will not close a deal with you if you aren't likable or if they don't…

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