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Your query "Public relations" has returned 83 articles.

Are you an introvert? We have tips for you on how to successfully network at social events


Social events, meetings, conferences and parties are often a great, unique opportunity to network and to establish cooperation with new people. However, there are people that are not very fond of this…

Three case studies of unsuccessful marketing campaings: What can we learn from them?


Marekting specialists today have the unique opportunity to learn from countless missteps that unsuccessful marketing strategists made in the past. Here are three examples that you should keep in mind…

How to improve your company's brand in the eyes of your customers


There can be quite a gap between how you see your brand and how customers see it. While you might be trying accentuate certain aspects of your company, completely different things can come to minds of…

Four pieces of advice on how to distinguish your product's brand from competitors


The product you offer's brand and the way clients perceive it are closely connected to how well your products sell. And by “brand”, we don't just mean a logotype or visual of your company, but the…

What can you learn from politicians for your marketing?


If you want to vote for a political candidate, you need to be convinced that you can trust him. Your potential customers need to trust you and your brand alike. Learn what lessons political marketing…

Choosing an influencer to promote your brand


Human activities are becoming more part of the online world, and at the same time, there is a seemingly endless amount of information about every topic on the Internet. Customers increasingly prefer…

How to attract customers who are ready to buy


When you start a business, the main challenge is how to attract sets of qualified customers who are willing to buy. It makes no difference whether you are a local e-commerce shop or offering…

Expert advice: Seven tips on social networks for start-ups


Social and professional networks offer start-ups a unique opportunity to get noticed and to address prospective clients and business partners for relatively little money. What should an ideal compaign…

Refreshing your company's blog content


If you have a blog containing over 50 posts, use some of the following ideas to refresh your content.

8 most valuable brands of 2018


The Brand Finance company has published its list of the world's most valuable brands for 2018. In compiling the list, the sales volume is taken into account as well as the value of companies…

Bringing clarity to PR measurement: focus on actionable insights


In the field of PR, there is often a tendency simply to analyse too many metrics. Yet many of these may be unhelpful and tracking them only takes up time that could be better used. If you want to…

Learn how to manage negative comments on social media


Your customers will complain sometimes. When it's on social media, you should react fast, because your company is under the microscope and is being judged.  

4 mistakes you must avoid when giving a speech


Public speaking scares many people. But that is often the case because they do not know how to prepare properly and the fear that their speech will not be good is partially justifiable. Today we will…

Invite your customers to an innovation contest


Dont offer fixed awards to the winner, but split one big award into several smaller ones instead. These are the main tips that the website recommends should you decide offer up …

How to fully exploit the potential of a trade fair presentation


For exhibitors, trade fairs are unique events with an extremely high concentration of prospects and potential business partners. How can you fully exploit the potential of presentations at trade…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 83