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Your query "Talent management" has returned 246 articles.

Do you want to have happy employees? Start with happy managers


One of the main goals of HR managers should be to ensure the company's employees are as satisfied as possible and that this is reflected in both their loyalty and their results. At the same time. when…

Not just about money: five things you must offer employees for them to be happy


Fortunately, companies have been aware for some time that money is not the only reason why workers stay in a certain position with a particular employer. Even though finances are the main motivator…

Five myths about HR, talent management and recruitment you should not believe


Just like in any other field, there are certain myths and ideas in HR that are outdated and have long since been proven untrue. Yet some people still believe such myths, mostly out of a certain…

Five basic factors that impact employee satisfaction


What actually motivates people to work? Surveys show it is not only about money: there are multiple psychological factors that play a significant role in employee satisfaction and also influence their…

How to keep quality employees in technical positions at your company


Given the current situation in the job market and lack of qualified people across all business sectors, it is necessary to retain quality employees, no matter what. This applies especially to…

A good leader can learn from mistakes: Interview with Dr. Robert Hogan, icon of the psychodiagnostics


Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a distinguished guest at the May conference Challenges of Contemporary Leadership, organized by Assessment Systems Czech Republic in…

Innovation based on radical change for common sense


Turin, head quarter earth moving machines of Fiat. “Lorenzo, please go to the US and see what can be done. 60 engineers have not developed anything valuable for the clients since 10 years. Our product…

Transform your employees into artists: They will find a sense in what they do and stay


It’s October 2007. Paul, Sales Manager of a Bobcat importer in Norway, calls the training and demonstration team in Dobřiš, “Guys, I am coming with a group of 50 customers driving excavators and…

Do you sense the home office model is not working at your company?


For most full-time employees used to commuting to the office, the transition to working from home can be challenging. People communicate more often across a variety of digital communication tools and…

Coaching helps overcome uncertainty


During the current crisis, you yourself might be able quickly to start taking action, but it is easy to forget that your staff may be experiencing great uncertainty about their future. Help them…

Five benefits teambuilding activities bring


Organising teambuilding activities is one of the most important tasks of a company HR specialist. Many organisations hold such events with the vague notion that they help employee bonding but they…

Four ways the HR department can support older employees


As health care improves, the retirement age is extended, there is a shortage of workers on the job market and older people are increasingly able to cope with modern technologies, senior employees are…

Preventing the four most typical causes of burnout syndrome


Burnout syndrome is a very serious condition that puts at risk not only the work performance and motivation of an employee, but also their health. A burnt-out employee loses interest in their job,…

Five simple steps towards having satisfied employees


Many employers still have a problem devoting a larger portion of their budget to retention of the current workforce, even if finding and training new staff is generally several times more expensive…

Four challenges facing a start-up recruiter


Setting up any new system has both advantages and challenges. On the one hand, you can set up the system in a way that suits you and, with the right attitude, eliminate a number of problems before…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 246