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Your query "Team work%2C project management" has returned 51 articles.

What do genuinely effective meetings look like?


At many companies, meetings are still synonymous with uselessness, boredom and time wasted. But it need not be that way; you just need to follow certain basic rules. Whether you, the HR manager, want…

A good leader can learn from mistakes: Interview with Dr. Robert Hogan, icon of the psychodiagnostics


Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a distinguished guest at the May conference Challenges of Contemporary Leadership, organized by Assessment Systems Czech Republic in…

Four reasons to support camaraderie at the workplace


For any team to reach its full potential, there must be more than just a professional relationship between individual team members. In order to achieve the highest possible productivity at the…

Emotions and inspiration to collect ideas from employee and get them in


Flight Brussels Prague December 2017. An ex-colleague Pavel from work recognized me. By chance our seats were close to each other. He explained me that he was now General Manager of a logistic company…

Economic & Social Performance: Dare to listen people at the base of the pyramid, those who are usually excluded


It is said that Tariq, the Saudi Arabian importer of Bobcat, could have bought the worldwide Bobcat company of 3,000 employees and simply paid for it with his credit card. He is also famous for not…

Three steps towards eliminating useless meetings


Meetings and team briefings: sometimes justified and effective, but often quite useless for the majority of attendees. Nowadays in particular, when a lot of companies work remotely, endless meetings…

Who is responsible for employee involvement in the "new normal"?


New ways of working will require more flexibility and employee involvement. Here HR will play a key role ...

Do you sense the home office model is not working at your company?


For most full-time employees used to commuting to the office, the transition to working from home can be challenging. People communicate more often across a variety of digital communication tools and…

A pandemic redefines jobs


The outbreak of the pandemic has forced companies into possibly a most meaningful social experiment in the future of work, while social distancing has affected fundamentally the way we collaborate and…

Five tactics for maintaining employee morale in difficult times


Strong morality is not a luxury but an essential – and not only in difficult times. Companies that can maintain employee morale while coronavirus is threatening their business will perform better than…

Friendship at the workplace: five reasons to support good relations between employees


For teams to work well, there must be more between the team members than just a professional relationship. In order to achieve productivity and team spirit, employees must be friends so that they are…

Three tips on supporting departmental team spirit


Mutual trust, creativity and a feeling of togetherness. All this helps efficient work within a team. If the individual parts of the team do not cooperate properly, the given department or group cannot…

Three unique traits of potential leaders


Many people believe leaders are born, not made. But this is not true. Many leadership traits can be learned and the same applies to general attitudes. What is true is that someone wanting to become a…

Membership of one employee in more teams: pros and cons


The expression "multi-team membership" has begun to appear a lot lately in professional texts about HR and management. It refers to one employee's membership of numerous teams simultaneously. In…

How to prevent employees feeling isolated


One of the many common ailments of the modern age, affecting people both at work and outside it, is a feeling of isolation. This may occur, say, if an individual does not fit well into a group or for…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 51