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Your query "V%25C3%25BDsledky pr%25C5%25AFzkum%25C5%25AF a studi%25C3%25AD" has returned 151 articles.

UK survey: companies allowing remote working are 16 % more productive


The coronavirus crisis opened the door to a new norm by forcing companies to allow their employees to work from home. And while Covid-related measures have long been gone, flexible working…

Research: Managers are on the verge of burnout due to remote people management (2/2)


The first part of the article presented the findings of the Global Leadership Forecast Survey from DDI, which noted a high level of unpreparedness and exhaustion of managers working in a virtual…

Research: Managers are on the verge of burnout due to remote people management (2/2)


The first part of the article presented the findings of the Global Leadership Forecast Survey from DDI, which noted a high level of unpreparedness and exhaustion of managers working in a virtual…

Research: Managers are on the verge of burnout due to remote people management (1/2)


The latest Global Leadership Forecast Survey from the DDI consulting firm addressed managers and HR professionals from around the world and found many of them face difficulties in maintaining work…

Research: Good mood as a booster of creativity


Make your neurobiology work for you. Scientific research has revealed a way that helps make better use of innovative and creative thinking skills.

No, you really weren't better off before. Overcome your biased view of a better past


Sometimes we can get stuck if we imagine everything was much better and easier in the past. This is one of the tricks our mind plays on us, especially when we feel vulnerable or overwhelmed by some…

Live a full life even in turbulent times


How can access to resources of personal significance help us cope with growing insecurity in our lives, families, and work? Read some suggestions from Linda Brimm, Professor Emeritus of Organisational…

Germany plans to introduce the right to distance work


Germany continues to plan to give all employees the legal right to work remotely, Labour Minister Hubertus Heil stated in an interview with the Financial Times. He said the law should be published…

McKinsey Study: When will the pandemic end? (2/2)


The first part of the article presented the conclusions of an analytical study by experts from one of the world's leading consulting companies, McKinsey. The focus was mainly on the analysis of the…

McKinsey study: When will the pandemic end? (1/2)


In 1920, a world tired of World War I and sick with the 1918 influenza pandemic tried desperately to overcome the fighting and tragedy and start again. People were looking for a "return to normal," as…

Three key links for successful teams


Historically, we have always been able to build and create more value through organisations than we could on our own. Organisations build on teams, so it's worth asking what successful teams have in…

Effectiveness of virtual teams depends on trust


According to a new study by the University of Calabria, the level of trust among all collaborators is a key metric in evaluating the effectiveness of virtual teams.

Study: The power of empathy in product development


What flavour of potato chips would you produce and what would you call the product if you wanted to sell it exclusively to pregnant women? Taking end-user feelings into account is an effective tool…

Study: If you want to encourage creativity, try playing video games


Video games that promote creative freedom can increase a person's creativity under certain conditions. An experimental study conducted by researchers from the University of Iowa compared the effect of…

Study: Even if people know the best possibility, they won't choose it


People who are faced with a decision and know which solution has the best chance of success usually choose another option. This is one of the key findings of a recent study by Ohio State University.…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 151