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Your query "V%C3%BDsledky pr%C5%AFzkum%C5%AF a studi%C3%AD" has returned 259 articles.

Few employers are able to identify and effectively solve employees' problems with alcohol and drugs


The latest British CIPD survey on drug and alcohol management at work revealed only 26% of managers are trained to recognise the symptoms of drug problems.

Study: When will people start preparing for the "new normal"?


In the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, many companies practically forced staff to adopt entirely new approaches to work. It's amazing how many of them were able to adapt quickly. On the…

Study: How effective are foreign language learning applications?


Researchers from the University of Michigan recently conducted a study on Babbel, the popular e-learning application for learning languages, ​​to find out if it really brings users the desired…

Study: Digital education is on the rise


Digital education is growing in popularity. Through remote personal development, people are seeking ways to deal with the difficult situation currently facing the whole world. At least this is what is…

Study: Employee engagement has increased during the pandemic


According to a recent British study, almost a third of local employers say employee involvement is now higher than it was before the coronavirus pandemic. The study was conducted by XpertHR among 264…

How to prevent bias when hiring


Workplace diversity is under constant threat from our natural biases as human beings. Are you also biased?

Survey: Women negotiate less over salaries


The difference between the incomes of men and women is a long-term one. Although the gap between the income of the two sexes has started to close a little in recent years, it remains the case that in…

Google’s idea of a great manager


For the past decade Google has been researching the characteristics that make an excellent manager. Gradually they have fine-tuned their methodology, based on changing trends and employee feedback.

WHO: New guide for healthy and sustainable meetings


The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued recommendations for employers and other organisers of meetings to promote a healthier work environment. The guide that was originally created…

Banking jobs of the future: mixed reality, algorithm mechanic and universal service experts


The HSBC bank predicts six surprising banking jobs of the future, including Mixed Reality Experience Designer and Algorithm Mechanic. Curiosity, creativity and communication will remain decisive…

Survey: Millennials and generation Z on work and business


Doubts about the ethics and motivations of companies and a related decrease in loyalty to employers. Working for one company for a maximum of two years, but also distrust in their own readiness for…

Survey: Work habits of software developers


JetBrains, developer of software tools for professional developers based in Prague, Czech Republic, presents the results of its survey focused on better understanding the work habits of programmers.…

Study: Global HR management trends in 2018


Financial results or the quality of the goods and services provided no longer play such an important role in evaluating companies. On the other hand, the importance of relationships with employees,…

Top 100 most innovative universities in Europe


The political uncertainty associated with Brexit could be the cause of a major change in the locations where innovations originate in Europe. The scientific community has started moving away from…

LinkedIn: 2018 Workplace T&D trends


Many skills are rapidly becoming obsolete today, and many are no longer needed due to new technologies. At the same time, however, new skill gaps are occurring. Since the economy is in a good…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 259