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Your query "Vzd%C4%9Bl%C3%A1vac%C3%AD a poradensk%C3%A9 spole%C4%8Dnosti" has returned 14 articles.

New workplace, new relationships. How does the home office impact team dynamics? 19.9.2024, Prague


In today’s workplace, homeworking is an expectation and digital interaction platforms the new normal. But hybrid working can dehumanise relationships and compromise team interaction. It also amplifies…

Join us for "Nuclear Leadership,"


Join us for "Nuclear Leadership," an exclusive online webinar that dives into the complexities of modern management with our irradiating guest, Member of Board of Directors and CNO, ČEZ a.s., Chairman…

Positive motivation in leadership based on neuroscience, 19th May 2023


Is it possible to motivate people without using more money? How to create a 'want to stay' workplace by using knowledge coming from brain science? Let's join a select group of HR strategists from SMEs…

Rational decision


Brussels Bobcat headquarters February 2007: Telephone call from Marek, the Russian manager “Laurent, I need a training in a month for the Russian dealers”. I have just joined Bobcat a week earlier…

Prague College opens up a world of experience with its annual summer school


Prague College, one of the Czech Republic's leading private universities, is delighted to announce the date of its annual Summer School which this year runs from 6th until 26th June and offers an…

HR vs. HR vendors: How to reach a better cooperation


The relationship between HR professionals and vendors of products and services for HR are often strained and tenuous. Both sides, however, need each other, and therefore it is necessary to seek a…

Coaching skills not enough for success as a coach


The number of professional coaches is growing rapidly. They have passed professional training programmes and certifications and look forward to applying their knowledge and skills in their own…

What should a coach know about business?


Are you thinking about starting a business as a coach? Then you might find the following recommendations useful which were published on the International Coach Federation (ICF) blog. The tips do not…

Strategic workforce planning in ten steps


The last year's global study by KPMG titled Rethinking Human Resources in a Changing World showed that the biggest challenge of current HR was talent management, specifically retaining talent. The key…

To mumble or to speak?


We are talking and listening throughout the whole life. Do we, however, really know how to do it? Can we talk engagingly and to the point? Are we able to express ourselves and fight the stage fright?…

How to increase production productivity based on higher employee engagement


Imagine that you produce shoes for the world-leading brands Adidas and Lowe. The customer will provide you with materials, processes, plans, time standards, know-how concerning machine equipment,…

5 steps to engage middle management in internal communication


Střední management je jedním z nejdůležitějších elementů firmy, zejména v době krize a změn. Nejen, že dobrý manažer motivuje svůj tým, ale stává se také podstatným komunikačním kanálem. U zásadních…

HR Live: Expectations management is the key to successful compensation management


What is the relationship between compensation and motivation? How do they  interact? What makes an employee to be happy about his remuneration? How can we measure their performance? These were…

HR Live: How to get managers to truly manage talents


What exactly is talent management - a static model, or rather a living organism? How to convince management that talent management is needed? Can its benefits be measured? How to motivate managers…

Listing 1 to 14 out of 14