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Your query "Z%C3%A1kaznick%C3%BD servis" has returned 317 articles.

Do you want to have loyal and happy clients? Here are 5 things you can do to achieve that


There is no simple guide to how to be successful among your competition. Those firms that are successful and keep growing are able to combine several factors together and they are able to offer…

How can you tell if your customer service is not good enough? By these six signs


Is your system of customer care efficient? Are clients satisfied? It might be surprisingly difficult to answer these seemingly simple questions, as clients often do not express their dissatisfaction…

Five tips on how to increase the loyalty of your clients


In most cases, retaining a client is simpler, cheaper and less time-consuming than seeking and attaining a new one. Moreover, a better revenue can be drawn from a stable, satisfied clientele due to…

Eight steps towards increasing customer loyalty through customer service


Customer care is the alpha and omega of client satisfaction. It starts with the very first approach and contact with the sales department and ends with off-boarding of the customer. The quality of the…

What do clients expect from excellent customer service?


If you wish to have the sales activities and customer service of your company work efficiently, it is necessary to keep yourself ahead of your competition and to adjust your activities so that they…

No angry clients: How to provide customer service that will make your customers happy


An angry client who is screaming at a receptionist or at another company representative is a sign that multiple things went wrong in customer service. The problem wasn't identified before it escalated…

Build a client-centric customer service in six steps


What is the ultimate goal of customer service? To create a corporate culture that has the client at its very center and where all components of the company work together on providing clients with an…

More satisfied clients and employees: Not-so-obvious advantages of having excellent customer service


It is a well-known fact that customer service plays an important role in how clients see the company as a whole and how loyal they are. If this is not enough to convince you to start working on having…

Logic, emotions and empathy in customer service: Tips on how to improve your customer care


Customer service is largely defined by emotions. Clients call you not just to solve a certain problem, but also to complain, to calm down, to share their problems and injustices, and alternatively to…

Tips on how to increase client satisfaction through customer service


The quality of customer service plays a crucial role in clients' overall satisfaction. This is why we're giving you some tips on how to increase customer satisfaction through customer service.

Three ways of increasing the loyalty of clients through customer service


It is increasingly difficult to keep current clientele in the uncompromising competition fight that we witness in virtually all fields of sales and services. Sometimes, getting new clients just means…

Do your clients have a lot of overdue payments? Five tips on what you can do about it


Most businesspeople are not responsible just for sales, but also for payments. In the vast majority of cases, a salesperson's commission is calculated based on the actual amount credited to the…

Want satisfied clients? Three tips for quality customer service


There are many tips on what to do with an angry customer. If you follow the rule that prevention is better than solving problems, it is definitely worth looking at the ways in which we can prevent…

Satisfaction questionnaires: A useful insight into the efficiency of your customer service


Continuous research regarding the satisfaction and experiences of the clientele should be part of every quality customer service. The customer care strategy and business strategy should be based, at…

How to make customer service great: Four basic rules you need to follow in customer care


Customer service keeps changing with the expectations and requirements of clients. It still plays an important role in whether the client is loyal to a company and in how clientele see a certain brand…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 317