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Your query "Zaj%C3%ADmavosti" has returned 22 articles.

End bad habits for good: how finally to break a bad habit


Everyone has some bad habit. It is in our nature. Unfortunately, if you do nothing about your bad habits, they can, in the long run, have a highly negative influence on your personal life, health, and…

Kimberly Nei, Assessment Systems: Diversity is all about the diversity of people

3.5.2023  Interview with Kimberly Nei, Director of Talent Analytics, Assessment Systems International

Every company deals with the issue of talent selection for its teams. To help with this, they can evaluate analytics that, based on job profiles, will help with the selection of suitable candidates.…

Get up, exercise and get motivated: A morning routine that will boost your energy for the upcoming day


It is surprising to what extent our morning activities define how well we will be able to function throughout the day. If the way you get up leaves you feeling demotivated, tired and lethargic, try…

A good leader can learn from mistakes: Interview with Dr. Robert Hogan, icon of the psychodiagnostics


Dr. Robert Hogan, spiritual father of psychodiagnostics, was a distinguished guest at the May conference Challenges of Contemporary Leadership, organized by Assessment Systems Czech Republic in…

Five changes the pandemic has brought to HR


The coronavirus pandemic and restrictions arising from it have had a major impact on the job market, on how companies communicate with employees, and on the topics HR has to deal with. HR specialists…

Few employers are able to identify and effectively solve employees' problems with alcohol and drugs


The latest British CIPD survey on drug and alcohol management at work revealed only 26% of managers are trained to recognise the symptoms of drug problems.

6 interesting financial facts about millennials


Millennials are considered financially undisciplined individuals who spend their income on expensive avocado toasts and lattes in cafes. How much of this is really true? Are all millennials like that…

Five videos that every HR specialist should watch


The TED project is a series of lectures about technologies, science, art and social topics. The speakers are important persons within their field and they have much to say to the world. Here we offer…

Companies are starting to chip their employees


Although technology is constantly evolving and people are increasingly relying on it, chips and microchips are not yet being fully exploited. But the much dreaded future is already here and these…

Practical examples: How virtual reality helps companies with recruitment


Virtual reality is not just fun and gaming. It's also used for educational purposes, for the treatment of psychological disorders, and has many uses in the field of HR. VR has a great potential in…

No need for employees in modern self-service shops


One may add: "And shop assistants will have nothing to eat." Imagine a supermarket with no queues and even no cashiers. Cameras record what you put in your cart, the appropriate amount is…

Employee chipping continues


It's neither science fiction nor a conspiracy theory. The number of companies implanting chips in their employees' bodies is slowly but surely increasing. There is also a growing number of employees…

Facebook plans to accommodate employees


Dissatisfied with the lack of infrastructure in Silicon Valley, Facebook is planning to construct its own village for employees in the area of its headquarters in Menlo Park, California. The village…

Put on your glasses and start learning


Walmart, the world's largest retail chain of discount stores, is offering its employees a new training tool: virtual reality headsets will enter traditional classrooms. In co-operation with the…

Job offers in SAP Services are newly prepared by robots


SAP Services has automated the creation of job offers across different countries so that relevant documents and employment contracts are always in line with local legislation. HR specialists can thus…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 22