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Your query "Zna%C4%8Dka zam%C4%9Bstnavatele" has returned 26 articles.

Six tips on building a strong employer brand


A strong employer brand makes work easier not only for HR professionals and managers, but especially for recruiters. If your company has a strong employer brand, finding new talent and retaining…

Four tips on advertising your employer brand using current employees


Are you trying to increase visibility of your company among potential job candidates and improve your employer brand? One of the most effective ways to promote your company in this way is having…

The most common reasons for candidates' frustration with the recruitment process


The recruitment process is a presentation of both the HR department that organises it and the company as a whole. It is also one of the key factors that define how the given company is seen by…

10 things that shouldn't appear in job ads (but often do)


The start of a new year is often associated with changes. People change jobs, companies are looking for new candidates. Although this time round things will be rather different, the workload of…

Video as a recruitment tool in 2021


Most of us hope that in 2021 restrictions resulting from the pandemic will be lifted. However, the pandemic integration of technology into workplace processes will remain with us. Virtual recruitment…

Four trends in employer branding brought by 2020


At the beginning of the year, the phrase "employer branding" tended to evoke ideas of elegant offices and enviable benefits. As the end of 2020 approaches, the concept has been completely reversed,…

What does employee branding have to do with onboarding?


Many organisations see a strong employer brand as a means of attracting talent. However, the employer brand is also intertwined with the experience of new employees. And many companies are now…

The day after: what will recruitment look like at the end of a pandemic?


Can you still remember the time when everyone was talking about the lack of talents? Now the situation has been turned upside down as many companies are more concerned about whether they will have to…

How to make your employees ambassadors for your brand


One of the most effective ways to promote your company as an employer is to have satisfied employees who spread knowledge about your company in the world. Satisfied workers will also help with…

Four problems of the recruitment process that damage your employer brand


Building an employer brand of a certain company takes time, effort and targeted work. But the results are worth it. If a company has the image of being a quality and reliable employer, its…

What candidates find out about employers before accepting a job offer


The process of selecting a new employee is by no means a one-way process. Especially today, when companies are fighting for quality employees, it is the employees who select their employer. And thanks…

Why you should present your company as an ideal employer


There are many types of marketing. Among other things, advertisements can be categorised according to whom they are addressed. One specific type of marketing is that which focuses on prospective…

How to be a prestigious employer in 2019


As the job market develops, more and more employees are choosing their employers rather than the other way round. This is why it is necessary for companies to maintain their prestige as employers so…

Why employer branding is so important


Employer branding is about how your company promotes itself in order to attract talent. It is your own unique way of promotion, built mainly through storytelling and visual elements. At the same time,…

Cheap and easy employer branding


Building an employer's brand is certainly not pointless. Whether you're actively doing something in this field or not, you have a reputation. Moreover, contributing to the development of your company'…

Listing 1 to 15 out of 26