Manager – management news

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Digital detox: a cure even top managers benefit from

We live in an over-informed age. News, advertisements, information, videos, images and voices are pouring in from all sides. We spend a large part of our days with…

How to manage millennials and retain them in your team

Millennials are people born in the 1980s and 1990s, so they are now roughly…

Time management theory: four proven techniques to help you better prioritise work

Every manager must be able to organise their time well. Without this, their…

Four ways to support socialising among employees

A good atmosphere and team spirit at the workplace can work wonders. The…

Five good reasons why a manager should be able to tell stories

We would probably expect good storytelling skills to be a prerequisite more…

Soft skills every manager should develop in subordinates

What are soft skills? Unlike hard skills, such as education, qualifications…

Five good reasons why managers should strictly separate their work and personal lives

Work-life balance is important for any employee, but even more so in the…

Seven things successful people do differently

Have you ever thought about what makes successful people different from the…

Negative feedback: how to give it to subordinates

It is the task of a manager to give appropriate feedback to subordinates so…

How to deal with a lazy and unproductive subordinate

Every manager would like all their subordinates to be highly motivated and…

Why managers should find especially their own work-life balance

Managers should urge subordinates to work sustainably and try to create an…

Six tips for aspiring managers

If you are new to management, you are probably wondering what you need to…

Do you want to learn to concentrate better? Here is how to do it

As humanity and technology continue to develop, society as a whole faces…

Listing 170 to 182 out of 3266