Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

5 reasons why you need a holiday

Some managers tend to put off, shorten or completely forget about having a holiday. However, holidays are important part of everyone's career. Some information…

Test: Are you a good team player?

We hear from all sides how important it is to be a team player. But what…

How to renew your energy?

Everybody feels work-related stress from time to time, many of us feel it…

5 things you should know about leadership

Whether you have already entered a leadership role or are still waiting,…

Are you a stupid leader?

How to recognise a stupid leader? They are those with big egos who do not…

10 steps to prevent the departure of key employees (1/2)

The sudden departure of a key team member is often a shock for the team…

4 myths about time management

Do you know anyone who wants to manage his or her time effectively? There…

Excuses, excuses, excuses ...

Unproductive people have an excuse for everything. If you want to find out…

5 good features of stress

When we write or speak about stress, we usually do so in connection with…

5 steps to shorter and more successful negotiations

The problem with many negotiations is too much time spent on unimportant…

Do it now!

We all know those situations when we can't get ourselves to start and…

Test: Can you think critically?

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze things from different…

Once and for all

What distinguishes successful people from the unsuccessful? Mainly the…

Listing 2380 to 2392 out of 3266