Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to prepare for hecklers and other people disturbing during your presentation

No matter whether speaking at a conference or a meeting, you always risk encountering disruptive types. You can hardly influence an audience's behaviour in advance…

Two main problems of modern offices

Instead of the whole day, you have only a few moments at work to do your…

Nonverbal communication: How your body can betray you

If you are aware of the proper use of nonverbal communication skills, body…

How to get yourself started

It is hard to force yourself to call annoying clients or work your way…

Errors made by new leaders

Karen Schmidt, a contributor to the PM Hut website dedicated to project…

Leadership: When silence really is golden

Every leader should keep the proverb "speech is silver, silence is golden"…

How to win back the respect of your subordinates

Your subordinates need more and more time to perform their tasks. Their…

Work life balance is all about hours... or is it?

According to website recent research carried out by…

Six "NO-NOs" of business networking

Are you one of those people who do not like building relationships with…

8 examples of a leader's instinct

A leader is someone who stands out even in a crowd full of experienced and…

A manager's time is precious; or How not to waste your time

Each manager knows how important it is to know how to set goals. If he…

Don't be affected by people with negative attitude

When someone is optimistic, it is much easier for him to answer the…

What should you do just before a presentation?

There are only 15 minutes left until your presentation begins. If you have…

Listing 2458 to 2470 out of 3266