Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Can virtual leadership be effective?

There is still a discussion whether forms of flexible working and teleworking are really effective. Leading employees working on this basis has always been a hard…

Time is not only a calendar

Every business owner, manager,and salesman, are looking for ways to better…

Fun tips to train your creative thinking

Neuroscience defines creativity as the ability to create new and useful…

Why aren't you successful?

There is never enough advice on how to succeed. That is why we found today'…

Being an introvert is not a handicap

Being an introvert today is not easy. The world identifies success with…

6 tips on how to manage teams remotely

Maintaining a team’s morale is not an easy topic to cover in a few…

Different faces of leadership around the world

Richard D. Lewis is a leading British linguist. Besides his native English,…

A manager's role in employee onboarding

The first days at a new job are usually accompanied by a variety of…

How does a leader think?

What distinguishes true leaders from others is their philosophy of life -…

Recruitment is not a shallow talent competition

Searching for shortcuts in recruitment will backfire on you. This applies…

Why presentations are (not) good?

On average, it is estimated that up to 350 presentations are delivered…

A leader is neither a spy nor a drama queen

We have already written a lot about leadership - mostly advice on how a…

Changes have to come from above; or, how to make employees happy

Satisfaction in a firm does not mean just an office full of smiling faces:…

Listing 2510 to 2522 out of 3266