Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

How to improve employee motivation through performance reviews

Evaluating the work of employees is a serious challenge for many managers. Poor quality evaluations can spoil the working relationship. Do you know how to do it…

Why leaders tend to micromanage?

Micromanagement is a trap which repeatedly catches leaders. The solution…

Do you think you are not creative? You are mistaken

"Eureka!" cried Isaac Newton over his discovery of the law of gravity.…

Do not fear a career change

Is your career moving in the right direction? Will you be promoted some…

How to ruin a meeting at the very beginning

Regardless of whether you are leading a meeting with a business partner,…

What is the atmosphere like in your company?

Sharing, passive, aggressive... Yes, those are the types of internal…

Do you set a good example for others?

Promises, promises. Have you ever heard your employees say this as an…

Do you want too much from your people?

Managers who have unrealistic expectations are, of course, stressing their…

4 tools for successful Design Thinking

Design Thinking is one of the new management trends based on a new approach…

Study: Eye contact may backfire on you

Each training in presentation skills teaches about the importance of eye…

When an employee faces personal problems

A useful article published by Salesopedia server deals with the difficult…

How to lead Generation Y?

Generation of lazy narcissists, iGeneration, Millennials or simply those…

Are you the manager even in your leisure time?

Managerial work is hard work requiring full concentration, it is often…

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