Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

Do you really deserve a pay raise?

Do you feel that you deserve a pay raise, but your boss does probably not think so? It may be caused by various factors. Therefore, consider whether your…

Mentoring is more than advice

Most managers who have reached the highest positions in their careers would…

5 steps to a more authentic leadership

Every leader wants to improve, which is nothing else but great. He should,…

Networking lessons for shy people

Networking in a professional community is very important whether you want…

To fire, or not to fire?

Small business owners as well as team managers often struggle with the…

How are you ruining your career?

Your work performance is good, you don't have conflicts with your superiors…

Do not worry to moderate a panel discussion

Conferences, various networking events, as well as consultations: These are…

Why do leaders make wrong choices?

If employees are to perform well, they need to be led by capable leaders…

How to become a better leader in 12 weeks

Are you looking for inspiration on how to improve as a leader? Then the…

Jak tým na vánočním večírku neunudit? Na Všemině se postarají o zábavu

Good boss talks about his people, not about himself

Even if a manager should speak mainly through his actions, his words…

Are you forgetting about the basics of motivation?

Employees don't need anything expensive or flashy to feel satisfied and…

Do you have a team full of "yes-people"?

Do you hear from everybody only words of praise for how good you are? It…

How not to make a fool of yourself in front your team

There are many hints and tips on how to become great leaders and lead your…

Listing 2783 to 2795 out of 3266